Benjamin Poynter Apps

In a Permanent Save State 1.1
UPDATE. 1.1. Fixes. Optimized throughupdatedSDK (4.2). Crashes should be less a burden. Slight mechanicissuein stage 2 fixed. Apologies for wait. Desperate measures takenoneve of the IMGA.After Apple's Removal : This is a game about thecollectiveafterlives of seven overworked laborers who committedsuicide inthe Foxconn camp, commissioned by Apple. I am being quitecriticalof them and their human rights violations.Before Apple's Removal : A cerebral, fantasy drivenapplicationabout events that are true and currently exist. In aPermanent SaveState is a game that falls into the evolving categoryof 'seriousgames' or if you will 'games for change'. Theinterconnectednarrative it tells sheds nameless perspective uponthe Westernspectacle vs. the Eastern dream. Furthermore, has a rootincultural truisms which define the aesthetic and faith forthoseinvolved. There is an effort made to deconstruct these notionsandthe video game form itself. Those who assemble the dreams ofthisworld now have their own at a devastating cost.